Forex Affiliate Website

How to increase your status in the eyes of clients and make them more loyal? Build your own affiliate website, based on developments by our top designers and developers specially for you! This stylish website makes your business look more reliable and improve the quality of your services.
What is Forex? How to earn money on this market? Where can I find detailed and accurate analytical reports? Your site can answer these questions easily. It has a high-quality content suited for both beginners and experienced traders.

Every customer, who opens a real account through your affiliate website gets attached to you automatically. Discover opportunities which your website gives to its visitors:

  • Open a real or demo trading account right on the homepage
  • Explore an interactive tutorial and other educational forex resources
  • Get an access to the unique FreshForex analytical services
  • Download the most popular MetaTrader4 or powerful new generation MetaTrader5 platform
  • Be up on news about bonuses, promotions and special services
  • Get the latest news about company and partners from the automatically updating news feed

With the affiliate website you can:

  • Publish your own news
  • Publish your own affiliate promotions and bonuses
  • Edit the contact information on the top area of your affiliate site
  • Place your banners and other information on the site (for more details see the instruction)
  • Manage the site easily with the convenient tools
  • Order the development of banners, stickers and other promotional materials from FreshForex experts

It's easy to get your own website with FreshForex. All you need is just fill out a short form in your Personal area and follow the instructions.


Terms and conditions of opening the affiliate website:


  1. The affiliate website is free of charge.
  2. The affiliate website is the property of FreshForex and is provided on lease.
  3. Acquiring the affiliate site, the partner agrees and undertakes to:
    1. Use only a relevant information about the company, promotions and services.
    2. Do not use information, that can damage the image or reputation of the company.
    3. Change the content only in full accordance with instructions for working with the affiliate websites. All content on this website is getting premoderated (checked before placing) by the FreshForex administrator within 7 working days.
    4. Do not use templates and other branded items on other websites without the official permission of FreshForex.
    5. Do not use the website to advertise products and services that are not related to FreshForex. If the partner sells or gives customers some special trading software (like trading advisors) in order to attract customers, it must be agreed with FreshForex.
  4. The Company reserves the right to refuse granting the affiliate website without any explanation.
  5. The Company has the right to suspend the website support or close it if the partner violates the agreement conditions.
  6. The Company reserves the right to close the affiliate website in the following cases:
    1. By the mutual agreement of the parties.
    2. If within 90 days the partner does not attract any customer.
    3. If within 180 days the partner does not attract any attached client.
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