
使用Fresh Forex 经济事件日历,您可以关注最重要的新闻,并预备突然的市场变化。使用经济事件日历的所有的功能:根据经济事件的重要性过滤事件, 选择国家和时间间隔。 您可以灵活地调整您的日历。 我们将记住您的设定,当您下一次访问网站,就可以使用它了。


一分钟以内您就可以估计市场状态,选择最合适的交易时间。借助Fresh Forex 经济事件日历您让您交易跟随成功的效果!

Forex Calendar by One of the Leading Developers of Software Applications

For convenience, you can filter events by importance, choose desired countries and time intervals. This essential economic information resource is updated automatically during announcements in real time.

Information about economic indicator releases can help you to formulate informed trading decisions and forecast future market developments.

Start monitoring important macroeconomic events to make more weighted trading decisions right away!

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