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Presented method is the method of technical analysis, which statistics of accuracy is within the range of 60-70%. It is based on three key indicators (Bollinger bands, ADX and RSI) as well as on price levels and price action signals. Analyst Alexey Panasenko is an author of the method.


Forex technical analysis helps to answer the questions: How to interpret Forex rates? Buy? Sell? Close a trade? Take profit or let it run for some more time? Will it face reversal or go trhough correction? Accept a loss and “flip over” or wait for some more time? Finally, how to define Forex trend?” All these questions drive a trader (mainly beginning) crazy, if he does not know the answer. By the way, who will dare to claim to know the answer? Forex exchange rates are cruel towards one's self-confidence and arrogant manner.

Nevertheless, it is subject to regularities and daily techical analysis forex. There are plenty of strategies on Forex trend lines. We are not so much interested with the direction of fx rate along major lines (this is interesting too, though) as with the Potential of the Forex trend. The main purpose of our Forex technical analysis report named "Potential of Trend" is to find if current price goes through correction either we face a trend.

Example of Forex technical analysis

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26 - 30

S&P500股指 月图:很强向上移动继续,不过ADX/RSI 参数反对,系统意味着这是牛派为 ”牛派的圈套” 准备。价格一接触上限 (2166.3), 我预期逆转。 周图: 类似的状态:向上移动,而且发展动力很好和 ADX 很微弱。在市场逆转以前,这是最后的动量 (或者较大的回调) 日图:这里我们会看到牛派利用于ADX的牛派趋势, 因此,价格会完成 2166.3区域很有可能。 预期: 上升到2166.3和随后的上下逆转 决定: 1) 买到 2166.3 2) 2166.3起卖。在下星期的评论中我们将讨论目的。 S&


The daily chart: on the one hand - broken bottom Bollinger envelope. On the other - expressed bullish IB. This all suggests the possibility of a strong upward correction. Two areas that may be the goals of such a correction - 1.1110 (strong pivot zone) and 1.1216 (middle Bollinger band) Н4: in the

The daily chart: Bulls are building the upward reversal for themselves: first, the Low at convergence, then a bullish rebound without working out of the bottom Bollinger band. Well, we have to see whether today buyers will realize the obtained potential. Closure of many bars today tell us about the

The daily chart: if to judge about the future using ADX, the verdict is simple - no base for a further growth, not enough fuel. This means that the most likely scenario would be flat in the upper part of the Bollinger envelope (120.12-121.50) Н4: the same picture with more localized corridor 120.12

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