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Presented method is the method of technical analysis, which statistics of accuracy is within the range of 60-70%. It is based on three key indicators (Bollinger bands, ADX and RSI) as well as on price levels and price action signals. Analyst Alexey Panasenko is an author of the method.


Forex technical analysis helps to answer the questions: How to interpret Forex rates? Buy? Sell? Close a trade? Take profit or let it run for some more time? Will it face reversal or go trhough correction? Accept a loss and “flip over” or wait for some more time? Finally, how to define Forex trend?” All these questions drive a trader (mainly beginning) crazy, if he does not know the answer. By the way, who will dare to claim to know the answer? Forex exchange rates are cruel towards one's self-confidence and arrogant manner.

Nevertheless, it is subject to regularities and daily techical analysis forex. There are plenty of strategies on Forex trend lines. We are not so much interested with the direction of fx rate along major lines (this is interesting too, though) as with the Potential of the Forex trend. The main purpose of our Forex technical analysis report named "Potential of Trend" is to find if current price goes through correction either we face a trend.

Example of Forex technical analysis

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14 - 18

标准普尔500 月报:指标和这一趋势的良好的技术修正,可能延续整个三月和甚至到四月初。这一趋势只在开始,因此,中期交易的交易者应该在下个月初寻找下降的信号。 周报:结构顶部明显被降低,所以我们将预期削弱2093.5区域的价格增增长。 日报:这里ADX继续向北   预期:现在,我们需要等待2093.5区域的进一步中期增长。 解决方案:买至2093.00 布伦特 月报:价格在振荡的背景下发展相当稳固,二月的行情看涨。基于中期修正的总容量,价格可以达到中间的布林带(63.45)。    周报:在52.64区强阻力(上布林带)。到目


Daily: ADX is growing its potential and so far we cannot link it to the new possible downtrend against yesterday's broken upward Bollinger envelope. But a rollback to the middle band (1.1048) fits the middle-term bullish scenario. Н4: a better shaped support from the middle band (1.1182), from w

Daily chart: Yesterday bulls ensured themselve an important positional advantage, breaking another local ceiling, therefore, despite a chance of a backward rollback, you must be very careful with sales (if not to avoid). We are waiting for a clear local signal to enter upwards and buy. Н4: Zone of

Daily chart: a strong trend potential is being accumulated in favor bears and there are no signs that the price would stop at the important support area ​​110.93. Therefore, with high probability, today sellers will force this area and consolidate below. Н4:a similar situation - expanding of enve

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