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Presented method is the method of technical analysis, which statistics of accuracy is within the range of 60-70%. It is based on three key indicators (Bollinger bands, ADX and RSI) as well as on price levels and price action signals. Analyst Alexey Panasenko is an author of the method.


Forex technical analysis helps to answer the questions: How to interpret Forex rates? Buy? Sell? Close a trade? Take profit or let it run for some more time? Will it face reversal or go trhough correction? Accept a loss and “flip over” or wait for some more time? Finally, how to define Forex trend?” All these questions drive a trader (mainly beginning) crazy, if he does not know the answer. By the way, who will dare to claim to know the answer? Forex exchange rates are cruel towards one's self-confidence and arrogant manner.

Nevertheless, it is subject to regularities and daily techical analysis forex. There are plenty of strategies on Forex trend lines. We are not so much interested with the direction of fx rate along major lines (this is interesting too, though) as with the Potential of the Forex trend. The main purpose of our Forex technical analysis report named "Potential of Trend" is to find if current price goes through correction either we face a trend.

Example of Forex technical analysis

25 - 29
25 - 29

标准普尔500指数,布伦特,黄金周度回顾 标准普尔500 月报: 一个模棱两可的情况。移动的结构仍然是自上而下的,但势头依然看涨。如果价格继续增长上布林带(2154.5),指数可能重新夺回北部 Weekly:周报: area of strong resistance 2109.0 is under load, as evidenced by active trend ADX. We can rely on the break above 2149.6 (upper Bollinger band) 强阻力2109下的负荷区,如活跃的趋势ADX证明。我们可以依靠2149.6以上的突破


Daily chart: the pair is growing in the direction of the upper Bollinger band (1.1446), ADX also increases in the direction of movement of the price and the oscillator, so the likelihood of reaching this mark is very high Н4:the upper Bollinger envelope is broken, which is a strong signal of the

Daily chart: a very active trend ADX allows us to count on a significant growth of the pair. Visually goals can be up to 1.4925 and there is quite a high probability that bulls will delay finalization of their goals Н4: we also notice trend activity of ADX plus expansion of Bollinger envelopes -

Daily chart: the pair us steadily dropping along the main trend. Support is at 106.81 (the bottom Bollinger band). So far, ADX is not very active, there may be some rebound. Н4: the is heavily oversold, with ADX close to trend zone. An ambiguous situation, with the upward reversal and continuatio

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