iBar_Holes MT4指示器

iBar_Holes Trading Advisor

MT4 指示器
iBar_Holes MT4指示器
$ 0
Reviews the history of trading instrument in MetaTrader 4 trading platform


iBar-Holes indicator reviews the history of a trading instrument in MetaTrader 4 platform and illustrates in a separate window when there were gaps and the number of bars missing in the current timeframe . Since the specific feature of the bar history in MetaTrader terminal is such that bars are shownsequentially, one to another, and time gaps are often not visible on the chart, this indicator is useful when you need to check the historical integrity of your trading terminal.

Configurable parameter

isPrintOn is responsible for activation (true) and deactivation (false) of breakthrough data output to the experts log.

The indicator algorithm is based on calculation of the gap time between the current and previous bar and output in the form of histogram.


Time gap = Indicator value * Time frame


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