autoMM MT4 剧本

autoMM Trading Advisor

MT4 剧本
autoMM MT4 剧本
$ 0
Script automatically calculates volume of opening position basing on the set risk rate.


Script automatically calculates volume of opening position basing on the set risk rate.

Input parameters:

OPBUY=False — set “true” for entrance in position

OPBSELL=False — set “true” for entrance in position

Risk=10 — the largest permitted loss before stop-loss as a percentage

SL=20 — here set 20 pips (4 digits) or 200 pips (5 digits)

Jumlah_OP=2 — the number of orders you can set per position

TakeProfit=20 — here set 20 pips (4 digits) or 200 pips (5 digits)

CloseALL=False — set “true” if you want to close all the orders MagicNumber=333 — order's magic number


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