Changes in the trading schedule on June 13

10 6月 2016

Changes in the trading schedule on June 13Dear traders,

We inform you that on June 13 2016 The Queen's Birthday in Australia and Russia Day are celebrated. In this regard, there are some changes of trading schedules for some trading instruments:

  • Trading on the index #ASX opens at 11:00 EEST;
  • Trading on CFD on Russian stocks (MICEX) will be closed.

On June14, 2016 trading will take place as usual.

 Please consider this information when planning your trade.

In the case of liquidity decline of instruments, the company has a right to put trading on hold.

If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact our client support or your personal manager.


Good luck in trading!

FreshForex — fresh view on money!




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