Changes in trading schedule on Veterans Day

21 4月 2016

Changes in trading schedule on Veterans DayDear Clients,

Australia and New Zealand celebrate Veterans Day on April 25. This day in 1915,the Allied forces landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula, but the offensive failed, and the forces were evacuated. The soldiers of Australia and New Zealand Corps suffered in the course of the operation. Since 1916, the day of memory of victims began officially to be celebrated in these countries.

In order of celebration of Veterans Day on April 25, 2016, there will be a change in the schedule of CFD trading session on the index #ASX: late opening at 10:00 EEST (the company's trading server time).

From April 26, trading on the index #ASX will be as usual.

Please consider this information when planning your trade.

If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact our client support or your personal manager.

Good luck in trading!
FreshForex — fresh view on money!




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