Change in trading schedule from March 29

27 3月 2020

From March 29 trading schedule will changeDear clients,

European countries switch to daylight saving time. For this reason, from March 29 trading server time of the company is set 1 hour ahead and corresponds to Eastern European Summer Time (EEST, UTC+3).

Trading returns to regular hours, except for CFD for HSI index and MOEX shares. Clearing* will also return to the standard schedule and will proceed daily from 00:00 to 00:05 server time.

For clients from countries that don't switch to Daylight Saving Time, trading sessions are moved 1 hour backward in relation to local time.

For detailed trading hours schedule check out Forex Specification and CFD Specification or trading platform.

Please consider this information when planning your trading on financial markets.

*Clearing means non-cash settlement between Company and its contractors, banks and liquidity providers implemented through mutual settlement based on the terms of cooperation. When clearing is conducted, no quotations are present on trading server, (non)-trading operations are prohibited.





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