Changes in trading schedule from January 24 to January 28

22 1月 2020

Trading Hours for Lunar New Year and Australia DayDear clients,

Due to celebration of Lunar New Year in Hong Kong and Australia Day there will be changes in trading schedule on CFD for indexes #HSI and #ASX from January 24 to January 28, 2020:


  • on January 24, 2020 — early close at 6:00 EET*;
  • from January 27 to January 28, 2020 trading is closed.


  • on January 28 early open at 8:10 EET.

*EET - Eastern European Time, corresponds to UTC +2 in winter and UTC +3 in summer (as per the Company's trading server time).

Company reserves the right to suspend the trades if the instrument liquidity decreases.

Starting from January 29, 2020 the company returns to normal operation.

Please consider this information when planning the trade on financial markets.




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