Changes in trading hours from October 28 to November 3

25 10月 2019

Trading scheduleDear clients,

Europe changes the clocks back to Standard Time, for this reason on October 27, 2019 FreshForex trade server time will go 1 hour back and correspond to Eastern European Time (EET, UTC+2).

As Europe changes the clocks earlier than USA, during the week from October 28 to November 3 trading hours for assets will be changed:

  • for currency pairs trading sessions on Monday start as usual at 00:05 EET. However, on Friday trading sessions close 1 hour earlier at 11.00pm EET;
  • for other trading assets sessions start and close 1 hour earlier, except for CFDs on indexes #DAX30, #IBEX35.


When USA will change the clocks, on November 4 trade server time will return to regular schedule except for CFD trading for #HSI index and MOEX stokes.

For the residents of cities and countries that do not change the clocks, trading sessions will shift one hour forward in relation to the local time zone.

Please consider this information, when planning trading on financial markets.

For detailed trading hours schedule check out Forex Specification and CFD Specification or trading platform.





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