Earn more than now already next week!

24 7月 2019

New trading conditions in FreshForexDear traders,

Are you satisfied with the profit you get? If you believe that there is more profit to be earned under the more beneficial terms, this news is for you.

Starting from July 29, 2019 FreshForex extends trading sessions for indexes! Trading time increases, and the gaps between sessions are smaller:

  • #HSI: now trading session starts at 04:30 AM and closes at 09:30 PM EEST (2.5 hours longer);
  • #DAX30: now trading session starts at 04:00 AM and closes at 10:00 PM EEST (5 hours longer).

Trading sessions are longer, and it means you have more hours for active trading. Increase the quantity of your trades and your profit!

Here's profit of these assets in June for comparison:

Earn more than now already next week!

Don’t forget to check out the most interest assets in our Forex Heatmap for profitable trading!


Earn more than now already next week!





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