What has changed in FreshForex regulatory documents

17 7月 2019

Changes in regulatory documentsDear clients,

On July 19th, 2019 changes in FreshForex regulatory documents come in force. We update our documents in accordance with market tendencies to improve the quality of our services.

Changed paragraphs:

1) The Client Agreement, paragraphs 1.7 and 6.8 are changed.

2) Regulations for non-trading operations, new paragraph 5.3.7 is added, paragraph 7.4.2 is deleted, paragraphs 2.5, 6.12 and 6.14 are changed.

3) Terms and definitions, definitions of demo and promotion accounts are added.

We would like to remind you by performing any trading or non-trading operations after new editions of the documents coming in force you accept the updated regulatory documents.

We recommend you to read carefully updated regulatory documents.





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