Stop-out insurance — your support in case of losses

11 3月 2019

Stop-out insurance — your support in case of lossesDear clients,

FreshForex offers a strong deposit protection against loss trades — Stop-out insurance.

How does it work?

If the market suddenly moves in the opposite direction and your trade’s closed by stop-out, FreshForex will reimburse 50% funds as insurance payout. Use received funds to recoup deposit and start full and profitable trading again.

How to activate insuarance?

1. Open account and verify personal data;

2. Enable Stop-out insurance for trading account;

3. Deposit total amount of $500 or more.

Absolutely all deposits are accounted in calculating insurance compensation and you can receive the insurance an unlimited number of times.

Stop-out insurance — your support in case of losses

Protect yourself from possible losses and trade confidently with FreshForex!





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