Up to 100 USD for repost

06 2月 2019

get cash for repostDear clients,

New FreshForex contest begins today, and we give REAL cash to the first 100 participants:

$2 — for sharing the post to any social network or messenger;

$5 — for sharing the post to social network AND to messenger at the same time;

$100 — for sharing the post if it'll gain the maximum number of repeated shares from your page among all social networks.

OR you can just publish a link to No deposit bonus and get cash anyway!

To participate in contest from 6 to 20 of February:

  • share the post or publish a link to No deposit bonus with comment “Get No deposit bonus $2019 for registration!” to social network and/or messenger;
  • pin the post and make the page visible for everyone;
  • send screenshot/the link of contest post and your № of trading account to [email protected], so we can check you've met all the terms.

Find contest post in FreshForex social networks: Facebook, Twitter.

Winners will be chosen and rewarded from 21 to 27 February!

Full terms↓

Feel the taste of victory!






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