Reversal is close | 12 1月 2016

12 1月 2016, GBP/USD

The Pound remains under a selling pressure without being able to make even a slight rebound.

But it can take a long time, a rebound should occur. We just have to be patient and open a Buy trade at the best price.

Thus, in the near future, we expect a continuation of decline of the pair, in which the wave (b) will take the final form

Reversal is close

The Pound remains under a selling pressure without being able to make even a slight rebound.

But it can take a long time, a rebound should occur. We just have to be patient and open a Buy trade at the best price.

Thus, in the near future, we expect a continuation of decline of the pair, in which the wave (b) will take the final form

Vasiliy Lukin
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