Weekly Review | 22 10月 2021

 SPX500 Weekly Review

Weekly Review

Wave Analysis

During the previous trading week, the Standard Poor Index rallied intensely to the upperside and even went above the upper trendline. While the price remains above this line, I expect nothing but a possible momentum to the upperside, this is the continuation of an impulsive wave count and should push the price much higher with the next ideal target set around 4500 and may continue much higher towards 4600.00.

Trade Recommendations:

We're buyers towards 4500.98.

Gold Weekly Review

Weekly Review

Wave Analysis

After a significant move to the upperside, gold markets failed to crack beyond the upper trendline. We expect the rebound from the upper trendline to mark end to the previous impulsive wave count and the beginning of further correction to the lowerside and should see the last impulsive wave (c) rally to the lowerside and should breakout beyond 1698.65 or even lower towards 1698.65 or even lower. If you are looking at this chart now, we're sellers.

Trade Recommendations:

We're sellers towards 1682.06.

HSI Weekly Review

Wave Analysis

Last week, Hong Kong Stock's index rallied to the upperside and even went above the upper trendline, while the price remains above this trendline, we expect a possible extension of the last impulsive wave (c) to the upper side and should breakout beyond 26,448.0 towards 30k and may extend much higher. On the flipside, a break below the same trendline may act an onset to an bearish price rally and may see price head straight towards 32,244.5.

Trade Recommendations:

We're buyers towards 26,448.0. 

Bob Stan

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