USD/JPY. Activity Remains at a Minimum. | 03 4月 2024

03 4月 2024, USD/JPY

USD/JPY. Activity Remains at a Minimum.

Another Trading Day on the Pair in Question Went to Waste. The Price Still Refuses to Take Active Steps towards Implementing the Alleged Scenario, According to Which, a Terminal Diagonal Triangle, in Which the Final Wave 5 is Missing, is Currently Formed.

The Price Approached the Maximum of the Past Two Years, Made a Timid Attempt to Update It, Updated It Slightly, and Immediately Rolled Back, Beginning to Establish Itself Under This Strong Resistance Level.

We Can See a Confident Horizontal Movement to the Right Side of the Monitor. As Long as Activity is Reduced, It Makes No Sense to Consider This Pair for Trading, Waiting for the Beginning of Movement.

Investment Idea: flat.

Bob Stan
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