We are buyers from 1.1066 towards 1.1250. | 01 4月 2022

01 4月 2022, EUR/USD

We are buyers  from 1.1066 towards 1.1250.

Wave Analysis:

Previously the price bounced back to the lower trendline in continuation of the corrective wave cycle four.As at now the price is on the lower trendline,I expect a further momentum to the upper side towards 1.1250,the anticipated bullish rebound is as a continuation of the impulsive wave cycle five.On the flipside, if the price breaks below the lower trendline clearly, then 1.1050 would be a good place to pick sell positions with our first ideal target at 1.0975.

Trade Reccommendations:

We are buyers from 1.1066 towards 1.1250.

Bob Stan
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