Expect a possible rally towards 1.35765 | 22 11月 2021

22 11月 2021, GBP/USD

Expect a possible rally towards 1.35765

Wave Analysis:

Recently, the British pound bounced off from the lower trendline and is currently heading to the upperside, as it is right now, we are looking forward to a possible rally towards 1.35765-1.36189 and should not break above it. This upward move is the continuation of a correction and should not go above 1.35767. If the price should ascend beyond 1.36189, then we are buyers. However, a break below the lower trendline will mean we are sellers, and that we are continuing short with the last impulsive wave (5).
Trade Recommendations:
Expect a possible rally towards 1.35765
Bob Stan
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