The bullish rally on the German stock market | 17 9月 2021


U.S. offshore oil companies restored almost 300,000 barrels of production, while most of the Gulf Coast crude output remained offline following Hurricane Ida, government data showed. The storm hit the U.S. Gulf of Mexico almost two weeks ago, damaging infrastructure and removing more than 21 million barrels of production from the market. Over two-thirds of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico's oil production, or 1.2 million barrels per day, were still shut as repair efforts dragged on, helping to support global oil prices.

Trading recommendation: Buy 68.50 and take profit 71.25.


Two senior U.S. Senate Democrats unveiled a proposal to impose a 2% excise tax on corporate stock buybacks as lawmakers scrambled to find ways to finance President Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion domestic investment plan. Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden and Senate Banking Committee Chair Sherrod Brown said the “Stock Buyback Accountability Act” would encourage large corporations to invest in their workers rather than enriching investors executives by boosting stock prices. The proposal is among several floated by Wyden to boost government revenues, including imposing additional taxes on corporations that give out CEO pay that exceeds a certain multiple of the company’s average worker wages. This is a negative signal for the stock market. The Federal Reserve is continuing to print money and increasing the dollar liquidity surplus. This is a positive signal for the stock market.

Trading recommendation: range 4430 - 4525.


The rebound phase in the recovery of the euro area economy is increasingly advanced. Output is expected to exceed its pre-pandemic level by the end of the year. With more than 70 per cent of European adults fully vaccinated, the economy has largely reopened, allowing consumers to spend more and companies to increase production. With the lifting of restrictions, the services sector is benefiting from people returning to shops and restaurants and from the rebound in travel and tourism. Manufacturing is performing strongly, even though production continues to be held back by shortages of materials and equipment. The spread of the Delta variant has so far not required lockdown measures to be reimposed. But it could slow the recovery in global trade and the full reopening of the economy. This is a positive signal for the German stock market.

Trading recommendation: buy 15511 and take profit 15990.


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David Johnson
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