Fed will continue to unwind balance sheet | 13 10月 2023

13 10月 2023, EUR/USD

Fed will continue to unwind balance sheet

EURUSD trading plan:

The U.S. Federal Reserve has about a year left to run on its efforts to shrink its still massive stock of cash and securities, according to a survey of large banks released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The bank's Survey of Primary Dealers serves as counterparties to central bank market interventions and underwrite Treasury debt auctions. It found respondents predicting that the drawdown, often referred to as quantitative tightening, or QT, will be done in the third quarter of next year. The drawdown will halt when Fed holdings, now at about $8 trillion, fall to $6.750 trillion.

Investment idea: sell 1.0580 and take profit 1.0500.

David Johnson
Analyst of «FreshForex» company
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