The calm before the storm | 10 10月 2023

10 10月 2023, EUR/USD

The calm before the storm

EURUSD trading plan:

Investor morale in the euro zone fell less than expected at the start of October, with Germany's economic weakness continuing to drag on the region but expectations rising slightly, a fresh survey showed. Sentix index for the euro zone declined to -21.9 points in October from -21.5 in September. In the euro zone, and especially in Germany, the economic situation remains weak and the recessionary tendencies persist. The subindex for future expectations in the euro zone rose to -16.8 points, from -21.0 in the previous month, recording its highest level since April.

Investment idea: range 1.0510 -1.0600.

David Johnson
Analyst of «FreshForex» company
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