Japan would miss its key target | 24 1月 2023

24 1月 2023, USD/JPY

Japan would miss its key target

USDJPY trading plan:

Japan raised its estimates for long-term interest rates over the coming few years in twice-yearly fiscal projections, following the central bank's move last month to allow 10-year bond yields to move more widely. The latest projections also showed Japan would miss its key budget-balancing target by the fiscal year ending March 2026, with a larger deficit than the one previously seen last July. The latest projections showed the budget target will be met in fiscal 2026. Rises in interest rates will test the government's ability to service the industrial world's heaviest debt burden at more than double the size of Japan's annual gross domestic product.

Investment idea: range 129.50 - 130.50

David Johnson
Analyst of «FreshForex» company
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