The hard landing | 07 12月 2022

07 12月 2022, EUR/USD

The hard landing

EURUSD trading plan:

European Central Bank interest rates will go up again but are now "very near" their neutral level, ECB policymaker Constantinos Herodotou said. "We are very near the neutral rate. There will be I think another hike or hikes," Herodotou, Cyprus' ECB Governing Council member, told a Bloomberg event. Having raised rates by a combined 200 basis points since July, the ECB is expected to hike by another 50 basis points on Dec 15, slowing the pace of policy tightening after back-to-back 75 point moves. Herodotou underscored that he was referring to rate hikes in the plural in his comments be added that he didn't expect the euro zone, which will consist of 20 countries from next year, to suffer a "hard landing" despite its current slowdown.

Investment idea: range 1.0390 -1.0500.

David Johnson
Analyst of «FreshForex» company
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