Positive macroeconomic statistics from the UK | 31 10月 2022

31 10月 2022, GBP/USD

GBPUSD trading plan:

The CBI’s reported sales balance for the month rose to +18 from -20 in September. The balance is the weighted difference between the percentage of retailers reporting an increase and those reporting a decrease. Confederation of British Industry principal economist Martin Sartorius said: "Retail sales volumes recovered to grow at a firm pace this month, but retailers continue to face a challenging operating environment due to rising costs, higher interest rates, and labour shortages. "The Government must continue in its efforts to re-establish macroeconomic stability and restore business confidence. Delivering comprehensive reform on business rates and the Apprenticeship Levy would be helpful first steps to encourage business investment through these difficult times."

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David Johnson
Analyst of «FreshForex» company
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