The Fed may tighten policy sooner than expected | 22 10月 2021

22 10月 2021, GBP/USD

The Fed may tighten policy sooner than expected

GBPUSD trading plan:

Bond traders are boosting expectations for U.S. inflation to levels not seen in over a decade amid concern supply-chain bottlenecks and resurgent consumer demand will keep lifting the cost of goods and services. The five-year Treasury yield climbed above 1.21%, the highest since February 2020, as traders increased their bets the Fed may tighten policy sooner than expected. The latest jobless claims report unexpectedly declined to the lowest since March 2020. Sales of previously owned U.S. homes also rose in September by the most in a year.

Investment idea: sell 1.3811 and take profit 1.3775.

David Johnson
Analyst of «FreshForex» company
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