Geopolitical tensions in the United States | 05 10月 2021

05 10月 2021, USD/JPY

Geopolitical tensions in the United States

USDJPY trading plan:

President Joe Biden said the federal government could breach its $28.4 trillion debt limit in a historic default unless Republicans join Democrats in voting to raise it in the two next weeks. "Raising the debt limit comes down to paying what we already owe ... not anything new," Biden said at a White House news conference. Senate Republicans, led by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, have twice in recent weeks blocked action to raise the debt ceiling, saying they do want action but will not help by voting for the move. Republicans say Democrats can use a parliamentary maneuver known as budget reconciliation to act alone. Top Democrats have rejected that approach.

Investment idea: range 110.64 -111.55.

David Johnson
Analyst of «FreshForex» company
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