The timing of the unwinding of Fed stimulus | 25 8月 2021

25 8月 2021, GBP/USD

The timing of the unwinding of Fed stimulus

GBPUSD trading plan:

Investors have raised the odds that the U.S. Federal Reserve will announce the start of tapering its bonds purchases in November, predicting the central bank will likely opt to dial back purchases by $15 billion then and at meetings that follow. The $15 billion per meeting total pace of tapering would likely be split between $10 billion of U.S. Treasuries and $5 billion of mortgage-backed securities. This is a negative signal for the dollar. The timing and pace of the unwinding of Fed stimulus is a key focus for markets, with recent robust jobs data boosting talk that a taper could come sooner rather than later.

Investment idea: buy 1.3695 and take profit 1.3775.

David Johnson
Analyst of «FreshForex» company
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