Conflict in the Democratic Party | 12 8月 2021

12 8月 2021, USD/JPY

USDJPY trading plan:

Hours after the U.S. Senate approved a $3.5 trillion budget, fissures emerged between the moderate and liberal wings of the Democratic Party over the size and scope of the spending. The plan addresses key Democratic priorities, including climate change and immigration reform, and would create social programs such as universal preschool education and subsidized home healthcare for senior citizens. Progressive members of the House of Representatives have warned they will not back the bill unless it has enough funding for those goals. Democrats plan to pass the larger package within the next few months, using the "budget reconciliation process," which allows them to pass legislation with a simple majority vote.

Investment idea: range 110.10 -110.90.

David Johnson
Analyst of «FreshForex» company
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