The U.S. Treasury it will keep its coupon issuance steady | 05 8月 2021

05 8月 2021, GBP/USD

The U.S. Treasury it will keep its coupon issuance steady

GBPUSD trading plan:

The U.S. Treasury Department it will keep its coupon issuance steady over the coming quarter, but is considering reductions in future quarters. The Treasury said it will sell $58 billion in three-year notes, $41 billion in 10-year notes, and $27 billion in 30-year bonds next week, unchanged from last quarter. It added that potential cuts in issuance could be announced as soon as the November refunding. Any shifts in borrowing needs will be met with changes in its issuance of Treasury bills and cash management bills. The Treasury reduced its third-quarter borrowing estimate to $673 billion, assuming a cash balance of $750 billion on Sept. 30, from the May borrowing estimate of $821 billion.

Investment idea: range 1.3840 -1.3930.

David Johnson
Analyst of «FreshForex» company
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