Trade talks between Britain and the EU | 07 10月 2020

07 10月 2020, GBP/USD

Trade talks between Britain and the EU

GBPUSD trading plan:

Britain's trade minister Liz Truss said a deal with the European Union over the pair's future trading relationship is "do-able" as the end of a transition period approaches. "A deal is absolutely do-able. We know the type of deal we want, it's the deal that Canada has with the EU," said Truss. Britain needs to know by Oct. 15 if there is going to be a deal with the European Union because businesses need to prepare, Prime Minister Boris Johnson's spokesman said. "We do need to be in a position where we're able to provide certainty to businesses as to what the terms of our future trading relationship with EU are going to be, and we do believe that we need to be able to give clarity on whether or not there's going to be a deal by the 15th of October," the spokesman said.

Trading recommendation: range 1.2870 -1.2950.

David Johnson
Analyst of «FreshForex» company
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