Promotion Tools

We provide a first class service, excellent trading conditions to all our customers and do our best to exceed their best expectations. Therefore, it's easy and fun to attract customers to our company! And to help our partners we provide a wide range of promotional tools. Use with pleasure!

Constructor of affiliate links

Affiliate link - the main instrument of earning in the network. User's transition through these links are taken into account in our affiliate program and brings you profit. Constructor of affiliate links allows you to make a short affilite link on any page of the website, to create an affiliate QR -code with just few mouse clicks or to completely hide your affiliate code from the link! Read more…

Партнерский сайт

Как повысить свой статус в глазах клиентов и заслужить их более лояльное отношение? Станьте владельцем собственного партнерского сайта «FreshForex», созданного нашими ведущими дизайнерами и разработчиками специально для вас! Этот стильный продукт придаст солидности вашему бизнесу и поможет работать с посетителями вашего ресурса на самом высоком уровне. Read more…


Place one of «FreshForex» stylish banners on your site and get a steady source of income that does not require your effort and expenditures! Banner operates with maximum coverage and by putting it in a notable place, you'll be able to catch the eye of web-site visitors. Each click on the banner brings you closer to obtaining a stable high income. Read more…


Tell your visitors about the Forex market and earn on it! Informer tells your visitors about the latest financial news, forecasts and upcoming market events in easy format. Clicking on the informer, visitors of your resource come to the «FreshForex» website and get attached to you automatically. Read more…

Partner's personal area

We present a partner's personal area - a true command center, where all you need for work is at your hand, and any issue can be solved with just a few clicks! Read more…

RSS feed

RSS-feed is an excellent tool for expanding your partner group and website's promotion. Just switch one of “FreshForex” news feeds to your web-site and the content will be automatically published. With all that, all links in your content in RSS feed already include your referral code! Read more…

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